B2B Email Templates

Sales Email Templates You Can Use to Close More Deals

Hey {{First Name}} – I’m writing in hopes of finding the person at {{Prospect Company}} who handles {{specific area of focus}}.

I also reached out to {{Colleague 1}} and {{Colleague 2}} to try and lock down someone at your company in this space. If you’re the appropriate person to chat with, let me know and I’d love to schedule some time to talk about {{Your Company}}.We help organizations like  {{Prospect Company}} {{Problem you Solve}}. We’ve worked with others in your industry like {{Company 1}} and {{Company 2}} .

If you’re not the appropriate person to chat with, please let me know whom I should connect with.

Hey {{First Name}} – I understand that you may be using {{technology}} as a {{service delivered}}, and I was wondering what kind of results you’ve seen so far.

I’ve met a handful of companies using {{Competitor}} who have found {{problem – scaling issues, glitch, missing feature, internal failure, etc}}. In fact, many companies have turned to {{Your Company}} for assistance and leveraged our {{solution}} to increase {{result}}.

I’ve got a bit of availability on Thursday and Friday this week if you have time for a quick call to discuss—let me know.

PS: Here’s a great rundown on why more {{technology}} users are {{switching to or using}} {{Your Company}}.

Hey {{First Name}},

Did you know {{startling fact about the industry}}? Crazy, right? When I found this out, I was kind of floored and it made me change the entire way I do business. Most recently, {{Your Company}} has started assisting companies like yours solve {{problem}} by tackling these three things:

  • {{Benefit 1}}
  • {{Benefit 2}}
  • {{Benefit 3}}

We’ve worked with clients like {{Customer 1}} and {{Customer 2}} and they’ve seen amazing results. If you’re interested in learning how we could help you, I’d love to schedule some time to chat.

In the meantime, I think you would also appreciate this blog post we wrote that highlights everything you should know about {{service}}: {{LINK}} — Check it out and let me know what you think.

My calendar is pretty flexible this Friday if you’re around for a call.

Hey {{First Name}}.

I hope this email finds you well! I wanted to reach out to you because we are in the same {{LinkedIn Group, Slack Group, Association, etc}} , {{Link To Group}} and I think I may have something interesting for you.

If I did my homework correctly you are spending {{Estimate}} per month on {{Service relevant to yours}} at {{Company website}} and {{Any other information related to the spend}}.

I work at a {{Company Name}} and we {{Value proposition}}. We can lower your monthly cost for {{Service mentioned above}} by XX% with very little effort.

Just reply to this email and I’ll give you a product demo.

Let me know what you think!

Hi {{First Name}}.

{{Prospect App}} is only in {{Language 1}} and {{Language 2}}, but {{Alexa % of country traffic}} of your traffic comes from {{Country 1}} and {{Country 2}}.

We’d love to share some ideas for {{Offer Type}} to help you {{2018 goal}} as you prepare for {{Upcoming Milestone}}. We’ve even attached a {{a Custom Media}} from the demo we built for {{Prospect Company Name}}.

{{Our Company Name}} is already helping {{Industry Reference 1}} and {{Industry Reference 2}} to {{Verb_Goal}}, and we’d love to help {{Prospect Company Name}} too

{{Custom Ask}}?

Hello {{First Name}}.

I have an idea that I can explain in 10 minutes that can get {{Prospect Company}} its next 100 best customers

I recently used this idea to help our client {{SaaS company/competitor}} almost triple their monthly run rate.

{{First Name}}, let’s schedule a quick 10-minute call so I can share the idea with you. When works best for you?

Hi {{First Name}},

I’d like to check to see if you got my email.


Hi {{First Name}},

I hope you appreciate my professional persistence. I sent you an email last week to see if you’re looking for {{Your Product or Service Value Proposition}}.

If you are, I would love to chat with you.
If you’re not, please let me know as well so I can stop disturbing you


Hi {{FirstName}},

I just wanted to circle back on my email I sent last week about {{Your Proposal}}.

Let me know what makes sense as a next step, if any?


Intrerested in hearing more?